Friday, September 15, 2017


Have you ever been in a dark house that was not familiar? Perhaps you were visiting a friend or relative and had to get up in the night to go to the bathroom. You find yourself stumbling, bumping into furniture and walls. You don’t know the way through the darkness.

When you get there and flip on the light, everything becomes clearer.  You remember that the dresser is situated just next to the door and you can see again that the countertop juts out a bit farther in the one spot.

Depression is like this. When you come through to the other side – and you will, with help, and with time – things will seem clearer. Right now, when your life feels shrouded in darkness, simply trust in the dark what you have seen in the Light. Hold on to Jesus. Hold on to Hope.


I’ve been here before….depressed. I now that last time there came a brighter day. You lifted me out of the pit. 

You took away the veil and revealed joy again…slowly at first, and then one day I could hardly remember the depressed state I had walked in for so long.  

 Bless me with recovery again. Heal my mind and heart.

In Jesus, Name, Amen.

Emily Biggers