Monday, July 22, 2024

The Prison of What Others Think

Or the prison of constantly thinking you know what other people are thinking about you. Both are as equally debilitating. Trust me, this used to be a big issue for me and if I am not careful, I can easily fall back into the chains of both of these prisons. The crazy thing is when I am fully looking to God each day, aiming to please only Him, I don't struggle with this at ALL. I am like a different person. In the past, if someone was in a bad mood around me, or said something to me, when I didn't do anything, I would try so hard to fix things and honestly think it was about ME. It was exhausting. Their struggles would become egg shells around me. Their heaviness or attitude, would become a problem that I thought needed solving. It's freedom when you realize that most of the time, what people do or say has nothing to do with you -- it has to do with what's going on in their own life. And all those times we imagine what they are thinking of us, hours or days later? They likely aren't even thinking about us at all. We are not as important in random people's lives as we think. Lol.

So be encouraged. If you have been spinning lately, over something you said or did, or over what someone might be thinking, take a breath. Bring to God. Who are you trying to please? If it's Him, do what He is asking you to do. in the situation. And if you didn't do a thing, but somehow are still struggling, release the need to please everyone except God. You have an audience of One. And friend, if you aim to please Him, He is well pleased. And when you can truly grasp that, it will free you. It change you. It will unlessh your mind to be fully YOU.