Tuesday, April 23, 2024

God Heals the Heart


All human beings suffer hurt in their heart. Sometimes the hurt of your heart comes from the circumstances of life like death, accidents, worry, broken relationships, or estrangement. What do we do when we have a hurting heart? What we must do is take our hurt to God. God knows you. God knows what you go through. Your hurt is God’s hurt. 

Remember when you hurt you are not alone. Remember hurt is anti-God. God is about healing not hurting. God detests pain. Pain is not a good thing. God abhors pain. Instead of a heart full of pain, God wants your heart full of joy. The whole being of God is a healing being. The whole being of God is about making the hurt of your heart go away. 

In your quiet times, when your heart is hurting, sit quietly and think about how God is trying to erase the hurt from your heart. God erases the hurt from your heart by holding you, by comforting you, by being with you night and day, and by giving you His kind and tender love every second you are alive.