Thursday, January 22, 2015

Know Your Enemy

In 1925 a very charismatic man drunk with political power wrote a book detailing how he would defeat his enemies and conquer Europe. People didn't bother to read his book and those who did dismissed him as a quack and failed to see him as a threat. That man was Adolf Hitler. The book?...'.Mein Kampf: The world didn't believe him but he strategically rose to power exactly as he detailed in his book.. wreaking havoc throughout Europe by silencing the opposition and destroying all who got in his way. Never underestimate your enemy!

We too have an enemy who comes to kill still and destroy. (John 10:10). But God has provided us a detailed book on the tactics of the enemy and how to combat him. That detailed book according to
2 Timothy 3:16-17, is the inspired word of God. It is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12), and The Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) which is the word of God....The Holy Bible.

Unfortunately many Christians dismiss the real threat of the war Satan has waged against God's children and before they know it, they are in bondage to him living a life of death and destruction missing out on the abundant life that we should be living as children of the living God. The war is real and the only way we can win it is  by picking up the Word of God and getting to know our enemy, his tactics and plan of attack to conquer, enslave, strip us of our identity and draw us away from God.  Someone once wrote the following: It's so true.

Satan's Number One Target:
Your Mind
His Weapon:
His Strategy
To Keep From Knowing Your Value & Worth In Christ & His Plan For Your Life
Your Defense
The Inerrant Word Of God!

God indeed has a purpose and a plan for all His children. He ordained your days from the foundation of the world and has a calling on your life. Satan wants to thwart God's plan for you. He is on the prowl using the same tactics of deception to bring God's children into bondage as he used with Adam and Eve. His tactics haven't changed. He's only perfected them. He wants to usurp God's authority over your life. Romans 6:16 declares that we become slaves to whomever we choose to obey. When Eve chose to believe the lie of the serpent she placed the enemy as authority over her life and the human race fell into bondage, sin and death. Sound familiar? Same tactics same results. 

Don't be ignorant of the enemy's tactics. He is a real foe and wants nothing better than to wreak havoc on  your life and the lives of those around you. Open God's word and put it as a shield over your heart and mind. Remember, the enemy had the audacity to try to tempt Jesus by twisting God's word to him in the desert when He was weak and hungry from fasting. But Jesus said "It is written man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Mathew 4:4)  If he dared come against the Son of God how much more will he come against you?  

You are not defenseless. You have the authoritative Word of God. But you have to be be a diligent student of His word.  One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to bring scripture to remembrance when you need it to comfort, exhort, protect and encourage you or others, but only that which  has already been implanted in your heart and mind can be brought to remembrance, so study the word! Hide it in your heart and you will never be alone. You will always be prepared  to go to battle against the enemy of your soul and win the battle armed with the infallible, inerrant word of the Living God. So when the enemy attacks.... .no matter what lie, innuendo, twisting of God's word or any other tactic he may use..... you too can say,...."IT IS WRITTEN!"