Thursday, February 2, 2023

JEALOUSY (save for later)

I think if you are human being, at some point in your life you have struggled with comparison. And the awful thing about comparison is if it is left unchecked, it leads directly to jealousy and self-doubt. We envy what's happening in the life of someone else, and at the same time, start doubting ourselves and God, and then questioning our own. It's a vicious hole to fall into, and a sin that can easily take root and linger. 

Jealousy is usually sad at the happiness of others, makes us hostile (in our hearts) towards those who have (often) never harmed us, and it is essentially telling God that what He has given us, isn't enough. (Ouch). When we begin to envy someone else's life, we take our eyes off of who God made us to be and the life He gave US, and begin to focus on that person's life, and the life He gave THEM.  We zero in on what's around us, and then satan uses it to get in our minds and make us feel like things aren't good enough. And friend, the minute we entertain it, the minute we allow the enemy to drag us into this sin. "It will never happen for you, you're not good enough, you're not faithful enough, you're not pretty enough....."...sound familiar? Many of us have heard these lies at one point, because satan plays the same kind of tapes to us all, just at different times in our lives. And the person who we get jealous of? 99% sure she has heard them, too.

So how do we break free from the sin of comparison? Over the next couple of posts we are going to tackle it, and hopefully you will walk away with ways to overcome it with Truth. In the meantime though, remember, where people are in life does not take ANYTHING away from where God has you in yours, or what He is doing in yours. He sees them, but He also sees you. Your lane is a one-way lane to Him, and constantly looking at someone else's, is not only robbing yourself of the joy and treasure that can be only be found in yours, but affecting your relationship with Him, and more things than you think along the way.  God knows exactly what you need and will provide for you according to His will. And as we embark towards healing in this area, you'll start to believe it!