Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Don’t Reconnect With Toxic People

Don't do it. In fact, when you are feeling like this, do everything you can to run far from it. It's so easy to forget what was wrong when you're in search of just feeling right for a moment, longing to feel fill the empty void for just a second. But when your mind begins to go back, you have to stop and realize the thing you're longing for is not going to be found in that person. What you are looking back at and hoping for isn’t the reality of what’s there. You have to force yourself to play the tapes and remember the truth. There's a reason it didn't work out. There's a reason it ended. 

Sometimes we don't even realize we're hungry for Jesus, and instead, set out on a search to do anything to fill this void that is deep within. And it just sets us in a tailspin of looking back. Satan's biggest tactic is to literally cloud the craziness and ups and downs of what we lived through before, and try to get us to go back to the vomit. He'll tell us things weren't that bad. Maybe it's different now. Maybe, they're different now. And that what you are looking for is THERE. And the crazy thing is you'll believe him if your spiritual tank is empty. If you've been unplugged from God and not seeking Him, you won't be seeing clearly.

So, if you needed the reminder, here it is. If you've been feeling dry lately, thirsty from inside, and you are beginning to look back -- grab hold of Jesus, so He can realign your focus and help you what is ahead. His love is the only love that is going to go into the deep places and actually last, satisfy, and fill that longing you are having. You can be alone and not lonely, but only if you are satisfied in Him. And if you haven't been satisfied lately, it's because you aren't turning to Him. So grab your Bible, get away with Him, open up your heart, and let Him in, so He can remind you of what you have in Him. And when the enemy tries to remind you of that person or the past, tell Him the truth -- it was not good. And the last thing you want to do is go back to that and get wildly off track.

Don't drink the poison just because you are thirsty, friend. You're not thirsty for them. You're thirsty for Him. ❤️