Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Stop Choosing What Isn’t Choosing Ypu

Whether it's that person that has consistently shown you that you are not a priority in their life, or that job, sin, or object that you keep chasing but God has made it so clear just isn't supposed to be in your life, sometimes we need to stop choosing them or it, and trust God has something far better beyond it. 

I get it, it's not easy admitting we are choosing someone and they aren't choosing us back. We hold on to what we think might be ahead if they suddenly saw things like we do, instead of letting go and trusting God that if they ARE supposed to be in our life? Well, GOD will get a hold of them and show them that, too. It's not easy to admit that this habit, sin, job, or even hobby, has gotten out of hand, and we are no longer enjoying it like we once did, but are getting consumed by it, unable to let go of it, and no longer satisfied in it. None of it is easy. None of it FEELS right to let go of, especially when everything in our misguided heart, tells us that we shouldn’t. But usually when our minds or hearts have been consumed with any one person or thing, we have often moved into a space that has become borderline unhealthy, and friend? Oh, how God wants to free you and release you from it. The idol that has taken root and over your mind and heart. Because sometimes, without knowing it, we've gotten sucked in, and we don't even realize that we are exhausting and distracting ourselves chasing and choosing someone, and they aren't choosing us back back. Or chasing something, and it isn't choosing us back.

I don't know who needs to see this, but I get it. Sometimes I get distracted. I might get in default mode where I find myself looking to someone or something to choose me, instead of bringing it to the One who already chose me. And remembering in Him, I have everything I need. And if there is something or someone that I keep choosing, and they aren’t choosing me back, and I am not seeing it? It means I need to run back into the arms of the One who gave His life for me, and choose Him above everything. And trust that what or who HE has for me, He will bring to me. And who and what He wants for me, will choose me and be so GOOD for me. ❤️