Friday, February 3, 2023

Choose to Live Life Unoffended

I cannot tell you how many people unfriended, unfollowed me, and made their opinion strongly known after I announced who I supported for president. It didn't matter that some were friends and we shared parts of our lives, they were offended. And I had to go.

I think this year alone, people saw some sides of people that they never knew were even there, and so much of it came down to people being offended. I get it. People post or say some things that we might not agree with, someone says something to you and it triggers something deep in you, but you know what? Our first response should never be to cut them out. Attack them. Or try to choke them with our opinion. No, our first response should be either to look at their life and try to understand them, or move on. Or, scroll on and hide them and their posts. 😋

We live in a world where everyone is offended about something. And my question is, why? Why are we so offended? What is really making us so upset? Because let me tell you, it is not nearly as much about that other person having a different opinion or trying to hurt you, as much as it is about what is actually going on inside of you.  Because healthy minded individuals don't cancel people out of their lives for thinking a certain way, or maybe saying the wrong thing. Right-minded people don't get offended at something that you never said to intentionally hurt them or that was not directly AT them. And even they do, there's a right and mature way to handle it.

So if you are someone who finds yourself always being offended, to the point where it literally sends you overboard, and you are one of the very people that cut people out of your life because of it? Friend, know, it's probably not them, as much as it is you. I know that is hard to hear, but it's just the truth. You're the one that likely has the issues that need to be sorted out. And if you don't know what those are? Take it to God. Invite Him into the hardened part of your heart that sometimes lives in offense. Because it’s no way to live, and it can cause a lot of damage.

Choose to live a life unoffended. It's a GOOD thing to want to be free of offense. It's a FREEING thing.