Friday, February 17, 2023

Don’t Get Even Heal

Not sure who needs to hear this, but the best way to get even with someone who's hurt you is to heal from what they did. Otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life trying to numb it, not address it, and live life with it, and end up carrying the weight of their sin as a result of it. And the worst part? They're running free, and even if we think we are managing it and "alright", deep down, it's there.  Avoiding it will only harden our hearts more, and lay dormant until there's a point in our life where it decides to come out and sees an open door. Wounds like that just won't go away. 

So, as easy as it is to want to be consumed about ways to get even, numb yourself, avoid it, or ways to just, make that person pay a tiny bit for what they've done, it's not worth it. It's exhausting taking that duty upon yourself, and being consumed by it.  It's nauseating to think about them, and always feel it in the pit of your stomach. The greatest thing you can do is invite God into the pain of what's been done, and as hard as it is, take your grasp off of the anger, hurt, and bitterness, and fully let go and leave it in His hands, asking Him to heal you of it. He promises He'll take care of it, friend. He promises that vengeance is His. So let Him. He sees, He knows, and He deeply cares about what's been done to hurt you. What that person did wasn't right. In fact, it was awfully wrong. So know that it's HIS job to deal with them, and you're job to just trust Him through it. He will use this season you're in, and birth the most beautiful fruit out of it. Even if you can't see it yet. Keep looking. When you give ashes to Him, He gives beauty back. That's a promise.