Monday, February 20, 2023

Love People Where They Are At

I don't think there is anything more powerful than loving people where they are at.  Loving them for not what you necessarily see with your eyes, but more, what you see with your heart. Not where they should be, or where you'd like them to be, or who you'd hope for them to be, but where they happen to be at that very moment. Because once you start looking for that person, the person tucked under the pain and underneath the places in their heart that have become guarded, hardened and maybe battered, you'll see person who is just looking to be deeply loved. And you'll be able to love them so differently. You're able to see them differently. You’ll be able to know them differently. And show up in their life, differently.

The way into someone's heart often doesn't start with words, but roadways that are paved through the way we love them. Sometimes we need God’s help to open our eyes to do this, but when He does, you’ll start seeing more and more people with your heart instead of your eyes. Whoever is in your life today. Whoever God has brought into your life lately, look for ways to just, love them where they are at. With your heart. Because you'll be amazed at what genuine love for a person, wherever they are at or however they are handling things in life, will do. You’ll be amazed of the change that heart to heart love can do.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12