Thursday, August 27, 2015

Praise Precedes Victory

Have you ever felt like you were in such a dark and desolate dungeon that there was no light in sight? I think we have all had those moments, days and even seasons.

Paul and Silas knew the answer...they praised their way to victory! And the chains that were binding them (literally) fell loose and they were free! They knew the only way to (once again, "literally") rise above their circumstances was to praise God. They focused on the solid solution, not the pervading problem!

Psalm 22:3 says that God is present in the praises of His people. Our praise lifts us away from our troubles and into His Holy Realm! Into a place of intimacy, protection and power...His Holy Sanctuary. Wow, when I meditate on that, I praise Him for that alone!

Don't forget...there is no place for the enemy in The Sanctuary. Your praise is rooted in who He Is, not your circumstances or the chains that are binding you. In His Light, darkness simply cannot exist. Therefore, the enemy must flee!

So, while you are waiting in the valley for your victory, praise Him for all He Is....And then declare the victory in His Holy Name!
by Christa Walton Winn