“This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”-John 11:4
What a powerful revelation. If we just for a second could look at our infirmities, illness, sickness, hurts not unto death but for the glory of God.
In this account in John, Jesus heard the cries of His people, He dearly loved Lazarus, He knew that Lazarus was ill however He waited two more days to come see him knowing He was going to die. "His thoughts our not our thoughts, nor are His ways our ways, as the heavens are higher then the earth so are His thoughts higher then our thoughts" Is 55:8-9. He knew Lazarus was going to die, this was part of His perfect plan to be glorified in it. Speaking life back into him in a loud voice saying "Come forth".
The word declares He inclines His ear and hears our cries. He heard Mary and Martha's prayer and cries, however what might have been perceived as unanswered prayer was a patient answer of "exceedingly abundantly above all that they could ask or think". Sometimes what we might perceive as an unanswered prayer is the exact avenue He will use for a far greater plan to bring Himself glory. He answers our prayer in His perfect timing, and in His perfect way. When something is not answered immediately by our perspective, He is building character in us, faith in us to remain steadfast unwavering about who He is. Mary and Martha believed that Jesus loved them and Lazarus, trusted Jesus and remained faithful and from this their hurts and Lazarus's illness were not unto death but for the glory of God.
Let our lives be all for You and all for Your glory...