We've all heard what we believe is an old cliche 'Life is but a vapor.' But some cliches are rooted in some very real truths. James 4:14 says that our life is like the morning fog--it's here a little while, then it's gone. The truth of the matter is that some day we will all breath our last and we will have a funeral. Have you ever asked yourself what people will say about you at your funeral?
Will they focus on your worldly accomplishments, your reputation, the material things you owned, the degrees you held, your profession, or will they say that your were a man or woman who loved God above all else and your faith was the driving force in your life? The answer to these questions will determine the kind of legacy you will leave behind. A heritage is what is passed down to you such as a family name, culture, birthright etc. A legacy is what you build into people. It's what future generations will say about you. It is for certain that you will leave a legacy. The question is what kind?
Our lives have a huge impact on those around us. You are or will be the patriarchs or matriarchs of your families...the leaders, and your children, grandchildren, and great grand children will take what you have done with your life and build on their own lives. Your legacy then it's a continuation of your influence beyond your lifetime. It's either positive or negative that reflects what you value.
Have you thought about what legacy you want to pass on to your family? If you were to die today what kind of legacy would you leave behind? What if by the grace of God you were given more time, a day, a week, a month? How about another 50 plus years? What would your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren say about you?
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ please hear this, even if you only have one more day, the word of God tells us that one day in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. We serve a God who heals, redeems, restores and can transform your family legacy despite what was passed down to you or you have been leaving behind up to this point. Joel 2:25 tells us that God will give us back the years that the locusts have eaten away. Genesis 50:20 declares what the enemy meant for evil God will turn around for our good.
The world is a darker place today than when we were children and it's only getting darker. We must stand up and be a light not only in our generation but we must pass on the torch of light.. our faith, for the next generations, but it starts with our families. It starts with you. You can be the one who applies the redemptive power of the cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and leave a legacy of faith that lasts. One that honors God and makes a difference for all eternity. Choose to leave a godly legacy. Your great great grandchildren are depending on you.
"I call
heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life
and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose
life in order that you may live, you and your descendants” (Deuteronomy 30:19)
by Cecilia Trent