Thursday, July 27, 2023

Your New Life Will Coat You Your Old One

God wants to give you an incredible life. A life, that may seem so far from where you are today. A life, that might seem near impossible on your own. He wants to give you what He died on the cross for you to have. The life He planned for you to have, all along.

But, it is going to require you, letting go, first. Letting go of that old life. Letting go of whatever is keeping you back. Letting go of it all.

Is it your own plans? Fear? Expectations? Unforgiveness? Hurt? Anger? Jealously? That addiction? That bad habit? Whatever it is, friend, He wants you to lay it down today, and then open your arms wide, and prepare to receive, newness, and ALL He wants to give you when you do.

Sometimes we carry these things around on our backs like dead animals, don't we?  We have no idea how much they are contaminating and hindering us, until we finally let them go. We have no idea how enslaved we are by this weight, until we let go, and finally see it was the very key to our prison gate.

Trust that whatever He is asking you to place in His hands today, whether it’s part of your old life, or something you are struggling with at this very moment, He will step in, and show you how. Show you why. And show you when. Trust that whatever He has ahead for you, dear friend, is far better than anything that you will leave behind. Trust that what He has ahead, is seriously going to blow your mind!

Yes, your new life will cost you your old one, but I can promise you this; He is worth it. Your life is worth it. Laying IT down will be worth it.

Yes, your life was bought with price, my friend — don't ever forget it. And all He wants to do is give you MORE in it. So open up your heart big, and your arms wide, laying down your own ways. Your old life. Your own attempts at trying. And invite the One with power in, so He can help you fly. Help you soar. So He can help you do, what He created YOU to do in this world. And generously prove to you, that your life, was SO worth dying for.

He loves you, friend. He is there for you. And He wants to show you that you can you trust Him. Yes, your life and you, indeed, were definitely worth, ALL that He ever died for. ❤️