Monday, July 24, 2023

It All Began With A Lie

Who told you that thing you believe so deeply about yourself? What happened to you to make you believe those things about yourself? Friend, WHO told you these things? Or, WHAT happened to you to make you think these things have determined who you are?

Something happened. Someone said something to you. Someone DID something to you, and because of it, you started believing a lie about yourself, that has caused you to live a life under the pressure of the lies and who you are not, instead of the freedom of the truth and who and what God says you are.  It always begins with a lie, just like it did back in the garden when satan approached Eve. If satan can make you believe something that isn't a true, it will determine how you think, feel, and act going forward, affecting everything. Until one day, you realize what you’re believing is a lie. Until one day, you replace that lie with the truth. And the truth sets you free.

The words other people speak to us or the things that others have done to us do NOT determine how God sees us or who we are. He created each and every one of us, so uniquely. So perfectly. So beautifully. And with a plan and purpose. Everything that people might have said ABOUT you are the very things that God designed and wrote FOR you. Everything done TO you do NOT define you, but was allowed, so the light of Jesus can shine that much more THROUGH you. And everything the world has thrown at you, to make you believe so much that is just not true, are the very lies that satan is using to keep you in chains so that he can keep lying to you.

Friend, you are not what people have said, or the result of what people have done. You, are a child of God. THAT is your identity. Find the lies. replace them with the truth. And the begin to take back the power that satan has stolen from you.

Write down what you hear each day. WHO is speaking to you in your heart? Find out. And once you do, you will begin to see who you have been allowing to influence you.

There's a reason why you struggle. And it all began with a lie.