Thursday, March 9, 2023

Help Me Walk by Faith When I Cannot See

“For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

Thank the Lord our faith depends on what HE can do, and not on what we can do. If you're walking by faith with some things in your life right now, don't stop, friends. Don't let go of His outstretched hand.

All God asks is that we trust Him. Trust Him with all we have. Trust Him to fulfill all our needs. And allow HIM to be our All in all. Don’t let lose sight of the Truth. God is a good God. His heart is pure.

EVERYTHING He does has purpose, and as hard as it is to remember sometimes, everything He does is filled with perfection.He is not leading you to leave you, desolate and alone. He won’t allow you to go the wrong way if you are seeking Him and His will for your life. Trust that! Hold on to it!

When we remember who He is, we can stand with confidence in what He is doing. We can know that HE is who He says He is and, that He is a GOOD GOOD God. A God who loves you so much, and if you could only see what HE sees, you would understand everything. You would understand His timing. His ways. His words. His direction.

Don’t turn from Him when you are feeling lost or confused – turn TO Him, and He will bless you. He loves you with an everlasting love. As much as the cross signifies that, He will go into even greater depths to show you all the more in this season of your life. Why? Because He loves you. Because YOU matter to Him. Because there is only one of YOU, and He longs for YOU to know His heart. To know His love. To know how valuable you are.

So rest in knowing that He sees you. He has His hand on you. He hasn’t forgotten about you, and where are you are at is not a surprise to Him. Trust Him. He is working. He is faithful and, He will show you. He will do, the impossible.

#trust #faith #confidenceinChrist #youareloved #hurtingheartsrestored #healingtherootsthatbind #helpforhurtinghearts #christianlife #getttotheroot #biblicalcounseling