Friday, March 31, 2023

Fear Not

Some of us are natural warriors. Through our experiences and temperament, it is ingrained into our very fiber to fight when faced with adversity. Others choose to retreat...bury the feeling and run. Interestingly, these responses even mimic the physiologic design our Elohim created in us, known as “fight or flight.” Thus, whether it is a learned belief system or an involuntary response, when faced with fear we tend to either fight or run. However, The LORD has told us repeatedly to fear not...and fearlessness is achievable only if we are dependent upon Him.

For those who fight, we have to remember The LORD is the mightiest of warriors. We think we’ve made it through some “stuff” and pride ourselves on being a strong person. But, this in itself is a weakness and a struggle. Self-reliance is not trusting God, and it prevents Him from pouring His fullness into us. HIS power is made perfect in our weakness. HE is the source of our strength. We are only conquerors through Christ! When we are dependent on God, Christ’s power will rest upon us. Living in self-reliance-warrior-mode is exhausting because we are fighting a battle we cannot win alone. The war, the battle, and the victory is His!

Likewise, if we tend to bury and retreat, we never face the very things we are afraid we continue to run. Nothing ever gets fully resolved. In essence, we never process through anything with Jesus, never receive healing, and never fully experience Grace. We should instead run to our Strong Tower of Strength, seek His refuge, and allow Him to cover us with His wing. We must retreat into His presence, not into ourselves, or (especially) into our own thinking. If we are not willing to confront issues with Jesus, like the “fighter,” we are self-reliant in carrying our burdens. We grow weary, exhausted, and debilitated as the weight accumulates. We become a prisoner in our own mind and never experience peace. The task is to take His yoke, hold our thoughts captive in Christ, and invite Him in to repair the wounds we have neglected due to fear.

Rejoice, for Jesus is the Prince of peace! Perfect love casts away all fear.