There is a fascination in
this culture with wanting to know the future. The
truth is people don’t understand
the reality and the pain of knowing the future. Jeremiah knew this pain well.
God gave Him the ability to see into the future - the devastation, captivity, and disaster God’s people would face
as a consequence for their idolatry and disobedience. He was grieved to the
core for his countrymen and the nation of Israel. So much so that he is known as the ‘weeping prophet.”
We should be grateful that we don’t know what is coming
around the bend in our life. There are enough trials, tribulations, hardships,
losses, betrayals, and bitter blows that
will have us grieving and weeping too. Comfort yourself knowing that our God is
already living in the future, sees all and already turning things around for
your good because He loves you.
His grace will be sufficient each day to help you thrive and
live out the fullness of the abundant life Jesus came to give God’s children
and when we are ready to go Home, He will be there guaranteeing our safe
arrival in heaven and into His everlasting arms of love.