Monday, November 6, 2023

God Doesn't Waste A Drop


Just close your eyes and picture for a moment...

Your tears cascading as precious jewels and being meticulously collected by the Abba Father as He watches you from Heaven on His Magnificent Throne...His heart grieving with you, mourning each and every tear with you...tenderly cleansing, healing and sanctifying you through each and every drop.

Could David's impression of our Lord be accurate? I believe so! This is in His Word for a reason! He longs for us to know the measure of His Love for us! He desires great intimacy and involvement in all areas of our lives; we just have to turn it over to Him.

When I read this, I am reminded and comforted that, through His Mercy and Love, He does not waste a single, solitary drop of our suffering. Through our trials and by His Grace, we can gain compassion, strength of character and revelation...if we partner with Him, we become more diverse in ways He can utilize us for His Glory!

Friends, I once cried for myself and my pitiful life, until I actually reached a point where I was so hardened that I could not cry at all. In His Mercy, He took my hand and showed me that He had collected and cried every tear with me. The tears came once again, this time in the form of renewal. And through all my unworthiness, He increased my compassion and love for Him, myself and humanity.

Take heed friends...He knows and feels your sorrow. Cry out to The Lord and ask Him to sanctify and restore you! And one day, He will wipe away ALL our tears...That is a promise! (Rev. 21:4)