Monday, September 11, 2023

You Can’t But He Can

When we continually fail in an area, when we continually try to do things in our own strength, and when we feel like we just can't go on another day, we need to remind ourselves of the Truth. That yes, maybe WE can't, but Jesus, HE most certainly can. And with Him IN us, every day, how can we not rise above whatever it is we are trying to conquer in our lives, and KNOW that with Him, we will eventually have victory and arrive?!

Guys, we have to quit forgetting that at our weakest point, we are at our strongest in Him. That when we have tried to accomplish something over and over again on our own, and not succeeded, is the very moment we need to look up, invite Jesus in, and then try again, WITH Him.

There are so many things that we will be told we can't do by people, ourselves, and by the enemy, and often times, they might be right. We sometimes can't on our own, but with Him, ohh with Him, we CAN. And that, that is all we need to change the game. To quit believing the lies that we can't change, rise above, or ever overcome. And to have victory after victory in our relationships, our struggles, at work, and then some!

His power is made perfect in our weakness, and if you have been weak lately, in any area, realize just how much strength you are about to invite in when you hand it all over to Him! He is ready to help you. Ready to come to your aid. But it takes YOU asking Him in first. It takes YOU, calling His name. And it takes YOU, finally saying, "Lord, I cannot do this. But, You, You can. And so I give you my weakness. I ask for your strength, and with all that I am, I invite You in. And with you at my side, I am ready, Lord. I ready to try this again.”
