Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Trials Can Help Us See Jesus More Clearly

Oh gosh, friends. As much as we don’t like trials. As hard as someone of the things we face are, they are truly where we see Jesus, if we look for Him in them. And this is something I am really trying to get better my myself, because so often, I just want to run right through them and get to the other side, being grateful to God FROM the other side. But gosh, I am finding when I take time to pause. When I take time to embrace the unknowns, and rest in the big arms of the One who does, I can see Him so much more clearly. I more am sensitive to what He is saying. And I can feel the breathe of Him that much more closely.

Trials refine us. Trials grow us. Trials strengthen us. I think that is why I love being around older women of the Lord so much, older women who are so seasoned in their faith. Because their faith has been seasoned and tested by the Lord, and it truly shows in every way. By the way they live. Worship. Or pray, you name it. You can tell they have encountered Jesus in many trials throughout their life. You can tell that in them, they found their Jesus. And they radically transformed their relationship with Him.

So whatever your trial is today, whatever you are finding yourself. Look up. Take a breathe, a moment, to just, look around, and try to find just what God is doing in it. And then look over, and see Jesus in it. He is doing a work, my friend. In your heart, and in your life. And the finished product when He is done will be worth every second of it. He is there. 💕