Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Anxiety Disguises Itself


Anxiety disguises itself. It may appear as a twitch or a pain. It causes headaches. It’s tightness in the chest or an uncontrollable shakiness in the legs. It is a fear that’s unnecessary and yet, like a puppy freed from its leash, anxiety is impossible to control once it takes over your mind.

We are commanded in scripture to trade worry for prayer. Start today. Every time an unwanted thought intrudes, block it with a prayer. Even speaking the name of Jesus in such moments has great power. Jesus does not want you to be weighed down and burdened by worry. He asks you to release your cares to Him and let Him take care of you.

Day by day, hour by hour, even moment by moment, learn to trust Him more. He will always come through, and in the end, you will see that the worry did not change things – but prayers did!


No one knows the secret fears that I carry around in my heart. No one but You. May I lay down fear and pick up confidence instead. You are my confidence and peace.

In Jesus, Name, Amen!
