Can Christians __________? Fill in the blank. Not sure whether you should engage in or allow certain things in your life?
We are told in scripture to put on the mind of Christ. To do that we need to know what Christ is like. How can we learn what Jesus is like? We need to dig into the Living Word.
Every word, every page in the Bible is God-breathed and reveals God’s character that should be reflected in the lives of believers. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. We are to glorify our Father in Heaven.
To glorify means to give a correct estimate of who our God is. Jesus said, "If you have seen me you've seen my Father." Therefore, we are to represent Christ accurately in all that we do so that others will be drawn to our Heavenly Father when the light of Jesus shines brightly in us.
When we proclaim our Christianity, we have a tremendous responsibility; others are always watching. We are ambassadors for the Lord. So when in doubt about a particular activity ask yourself:
Does it Glorify God?
Does it edify the body of Christ?
Does it draw others to Jesus?
If the answer is no, then don't put your light out Christian. SHINE!